The Jukebox of My Mind

Sometime last year I became consciously aware that I wake up with a song in my head every single morning. I thought it would be an interesting exercise to document each song for an entire year and then make Spotify playlists for each month. Well, starting back on January 1, I started to do just that. 

The subconscious is an odd thing and it has been really interesting seeing seeing what my mind comes up with every morning. Sometimes it is a song or artist I have been listening to recently, sometimes it a band or song that I haven't thought of in years. Below are the first 6 playlist for the year, but I thought I'd include some stats about the year so far as well:

Number of Days: 182
Total Number of Songs: 178
Number of Repeated Songs: 4
Total Number of Artists: 116
Most Frequent Artist: Pearl Jam (shocking, I know) / 18x w/ only one song repeated 

So enjoy a glimpse into the jukebox of my brain. Maybe you'll be reminded of some songs you haven't thought of in a while, and maybe you'll discover some new gems in the rough. 

January | February | March | April | May | June

Here's to seeing where the second half of the year takes me!


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