
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Jukebox of My Mind - A 2020 Year In Review

Sometime quite a while back I became consciously aware that I wake up with a song in my head  every single morning . No exceptions. Every morning. So at the end of 2019 I made the decision that I was going to track and log every song for the next year. I thought it would be an interesting exercise to track and analyze the songs, and see if the stats said anything interesting about the jukebox that is my mind. So here we are, finally 2021 and I have officially completed this exercise. I've analyzed the songs, the artists, which decades are represented, and made Spotify playlists for each month. It was interesting because sometimes it was a song or artist that I had been listening to recently, and sometimes my brain came up with a song/artist that I hadn't thought about in years. So here are some interesting stats and links to the playlists. Have fun perusing, discovering, or rediscovering some music I think is pretty darn great, and that I apparently hold pretty near and dear in...